Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian and Gay Issues records, 1981-2006.


Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian and Gay Issues records, 1981-2006.

Announcements and petitions for the creation of a new division within the American Psychological Association; the minutes of the Division's Executive Committee and other committees, audio tapes of meetings, photographs, correspondence, bylaws, financial records, and reports. Revisions to the APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) are a major area of focus. Includes 1984-2000 files from Doug Kimmel, who served as program chair from 1985-1986 and president from 1986-1987. Includes videos of APA's first Symposium and interviews with Evelyn Hooker, Del Martin, and others from 1985-1990. Treasurer's files, 1997-2001, from Michael R. Stevenson; Executive Committee reports and meeting minutes, 2001-2005, including Transgender Task Force Mission Statement and meeting minutes; and 2002 Executive Committee and business meeting files from Allen M. Omoto. Also a 1994 amicus brief in a Cincinnati case; and Susan Cochran's files from the Task force on Treatment Guidelines, 1984-1988, during much of which time Alan Maylon and Kristin Hancock were co-chairs. Files from Division 44 President Judith M. Glassgold, 2002-2005, including 1999 and 2001 APA Governance Survey results, correspondence about APA's policy on job advertisements, a 2004 briefing book by the APA Task Force on Sexual Orientation and Military Service, a 2002 letter about conversion therapy, the 2000 membership diractory, and 2001 correspondence about APA's proposal to eliminate "Footnote 4" from its accreditation standards for psychology programs. Footnote 4 allows religious institutions exemptions from following APA's diversity standards. Also, membership survey information, 1999-2006. Files from Armand Cerbone, co-chair of the Joint Task Force to write guidelines for Psychotherapy with LGB clients 1990-2000, including correspondence and drafts pertaining to the writing of the guidelines (adopted by the APA February 26, 2000); news articles and correspondence regarding the debate in the Council of Representatives over the APA's ban on military advertising; and correspondence and planning documents for a Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns International Conference held in 2001.

9.4 cubic ft.; 13 videotapes.


SNAC Resource ID: 7906871

Cornell University Library

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